Hey! I’m Amy. The Ginger behind the scenes. 

Just an earring girl, standing in front of a bunch of other earring lovers, asking them to love her (earrings).

Who am I?

My name is Amy and I am the owner, creator, maker and earring loving fiend behind Ginger Pins Originals. I am a movie loving, book reading, TV binging, musical theatre kid who loves earrings. By day I am a dressmaker and by night an earring designer (of course), amongst a few other things.  

Where did it all begin?

Ginger Pins Originals was born, like many small businesses, out of my own love of earrings and a search for something totally ‘me’. As I am sure you can tell, I love musical theatre, movies and TV and what better way to show your love of something that to wear it!

So I came up with a few ideas for things I would like and things people I knew would like and that was it. I have never looked back (well almost never).

My thought is that if you’re walking down the street, at your desk at work or headed to rehearsals and someone catches a glimpse of your Dear Evan Hansen earrings, then BOOM! you’ve make a new friend or found a mutual topic of discussion at the very least. Who doesn’t want to talk about the things they love!

Welcome. It’s so great to have you here. 

I hope all my theatre-loving, movie-quoting, TV-binging people have found their place here at Ginger Pins Originals and can indulge themselves here alongside me. 

Find your thing.



Chief Earring Boss
Musical Theatre Tragic
Dachshund Enthusiast


All Round Earring Assistant
Sport Lover
#1 Justin Timberlake Fan